how to get los angeles personal injury lawyer

how to get los angeles personal injury lawyer

place is this years before more than  five years before there were accidents upon accidents   los angeles personal injury lawyer happening at  that intersection and the city of New York undertook to do traffic studies and  they did do traffic 
didn't work so after conducting their studies they decided better put up a traffic light and they  at the head of the signalization department 

someone who we've questioned under oath it's something known as a deposition before this trial ever  started her name Rena Gilman and she's the one who signed off on putting up a traffic light and 

that light was installed two years two years before the  date of this accident when Rena Gelman signed off there were things that were not done and one of the things that was not done was this it turns 

out that  there was a form a work order a work order designed to allow that traffic light to be installed but it said at the bottom is there anything blocking the traffic  light trees do they have to be cut  

foliage does it have to be cut it was all left blank there was nothing done so that if you were driving southbound you would see a  large tree a tree that was actually blocking the stuff the traffic light rather 

so that you couldn't even see it but what happened was this anytime a traffic light is installed in New York  City it has to be installed pursuant to a statute something that you'll hear about called the 

manual for uniform traffic control devices and with a six lane roadway the minimum safety standards mean that you have to install  at least two lights not just one two now .


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